A•H•STS Talk with Sarah Besky "Home Values: Land, Labor, and the Economy of Retreat in the Eastern Himalayas"

Professor Sarah Besky
ILR School, Cornell University
Monday, March 17th, 2025
4:00PM - 5:30PM
56-114, Whitaker Building, Access Via 21 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA 02142
To stimulate rural development, the Indian state of West Bengal is promoting homestay tourism in the district of Kalimpong, on the state’s mountainous margins. This talk situates the homestay market within a broader late capitalist “economy of retreat.” The economy of retreat is an analytical framework for considering the re-valuation of domestic space amid interlinked agrarian, economic, and climate crises. As climate change upends rural livelihoods and threatens urban livability, domestic spaces, and domestic labors, have become renewed sites of political and economic potential. The economy of retreat entails a meeting of urban anxiety with agrarian precarity. This turns homes into environmentally and socially volatile spaces, but also into spaces of new speculative opportunity. Attention to this double movement permits scholars to trace the relationship between capitalism and climate change not in disaster or salvage accumulation but in the material and affective work of remaining in place.